Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hair Loss

If you are experiencing hair loss, here are some things I learned that helped me with my battle to stop from going bald and retake control of my life.
1. Check with your doctor.Sometimes hair loss can be a symptom of disease. Thyroid disease, Lupus and Diabetes are two examples of illnesses known to case balding. Check with your doctor and be sure there is not a more serious matter at hand.
2. Watch your diet.Eating correctly will affect not only the overall health of your body, it will also affect the health of your hair and scalp. Maintaining a proper diet is critical for keeping healthy locks.
3. Check your stress levels.Anxiety and stress are common causes of hair loss. Regardless of how hectic life may get, you should take every necessary step to reduce tension and limit its affect on your body. If you must, use yoga, meditation or some other form of stress reduction technique.
4. Careful what you use on your head.Many of todays' hair care products contain chemicals that are harsh and can actually be damaging. Check the ingredients of your shampoos, dyes, perms and conditioners. Choose products that substitute chemicals with natural substances that are milder and which stimulate the scalp and encourage growth.

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